How to Chant the Psalms
(A Tutorial)
Step 1: Watch This:
Step 2: Click on the Audio File below and sing-along from the Breviary
(If you are musically inclined, skip to step 3)
Audio-files of The Psalter sung from the St. Bernard Breviary
(Evening Prayer Psalms being uploaded in Fall 2024)
Day 1 MP: Psalms 1-5 | EP: Psalms 6-8
Day 2 MP: Psalms 9-11 | EP: Psalms 12-14
Day 3 MP: Psalms 15-17 | EP: Psalm 18
Day 4 MP: Psalms 19-21 | EP: Psalms 22-23
Day 5 MP: Psalms 24-26 | EP: Psalms 27-29
Day 6 MP: Psalms 30-31 | EP: Psalms 32-34
Day 7 MP: Psalms 35-36 | EP: Psalm 37
Day 8 MP: Psalms 38-40 | EP: Psalms 41-43
Day 9 MP: Psalms 44-46 | EP: Psalms 47-49
Day 10 MP: Psalms 50-52 | EP: Psalms 53-55
Day 11 MP: Psalms 56-58 | EP: Psalms 59-61
Day 12 MP: Psalms 62-64 | EP: Psalms 65-67
Day 13 MP: Psalm 68 | EP: Psalms 69-70
Day 14 MP: Psalms 71-72 | EP: Psalms 73-74
Day 15 MP: Psalms 75-77 | EP: Psalm 78
Day 16 MP: Psalms 79-81 | EP: Psalms 82-85
Day 17 MP: Psalms 86-88 | EP: Psalm 89
Day 18 MP: Psalms 90-92 | EP: Psalms 93-94
Day 19 MP: Psalms 95-97 | EP: Psalms 98-101
Day 20 MP: Psalms 102-103 | EP: Psalm 104
Day 21 MP: Psalm 105 | EP: Psalm 106
Day 22 MP: Psalm 107 | EP: Psalms 108-109
Day 23 MP: Psalms 110-113 | EP: Psalms 114-115
Day 24 MP: Psalms 116-118 | EP: Psalm 119 part 1
Day 25 MP: Psalm 119 part 2 | EP: Psalm 119 part 3
Day 26 MP: Psalm 119 part 4 | EP: Psalm 119 part 5
Day 27 MP: Psalms 120-125 | EP: Psalms 126-131
Day 28 MP: Psalms 132-135 | EP: Psalms 136-138
Day 29 MP: Psalms 139-140 | EP: Psalms 141-143
Day 30 MP: Psalms 144-146 | EP: Psalms 147-150
is producing high-quality recordings of the Bernard Psalter!
Soon available on YouTube!
Step 3: Be able to reproduce the Psalm Tone on your own
(Either from memory, by clicking on the file below, or with a keyboard or pitch-pipe)
Finding the Notes
The best way to learn the tones for praying the Office is as follows:
Learn how to read basic music. You can do this much faster than you think. All you need is:
Then buy a $6 pitch-pipe (a circular "harmonica") on which to play the notes.
The Chants of Vigils
The Chants of Morning Prayer
Invitatory Psalm
Psalms (see below)
First Canticle
Second Canticle
The Athanasian Creed
The Salutation ("The Lord be with you...")
Kyrie (III) - adapted from Willan
The Chants of Midday Prayer
The Chants of Evening Prayer
Phos Hilaron
Psalms (see below)
Nunc Dimittis
The Salutation ("The Lord be with you...")
The Chants of Compline
Hear the Hymns in the Hymnal within the St. Bernard Breviary
In this playlist